M.A.S.K. Wiki
Highway to Terror
Mask highway03

Original Airdate:

September 19, 1985 (production)
October 3, 1985 (TV)


04 of 65 in Season 1


04 of 75 overall

Previous Episode:

The Book of Power

Next Episode:



Central City
Clear Lake

M.A.S.K. tries to retrieve a stash of military plutonium that V.E.N.O.M. plans to use to power an earthquake machine.

Plot Synopsis[]

Synopsis is forthcoming.

Safety Tip[]

Scott and Matt tell T-Bob to be sure to check the depth of water before diving in.

M.A.S.K. agents[]

M.A.S.K. vehicles[]

V.E.N.O.M. agents[]

V.E.N.O.M. vehicles[]



"Huh! Said they were magicians, did they? That's amusing. The only tricks they know are dirty ones."

- Matt Trakker after being told that V.E.N.O.M. used magic to steal a truckload of plutonium by Duane Kennedy.

"We have to handle this with kid gloves."

"You mean special gloves. That plutonium is highly radioactive."

- Matt Trakker and Hondo McLean

"Last one in the water's an old scrapyard!"

- Scott Trakker to T-Bob

"Next time, M.A.S.K., next time."

- Miles Mayhem


  • "An illusion is little more than a theft from the eye."



  • In the opening scene, a military driver refers to his superior as 'Sergeant' but when the man in question gets out of the car he calls himself 'Captain Miller'.
  • At 9:05 Gator's grill has the same orange color as the vehicle itself. It should have been gray.
  • At 12:25 Backlash's two tubes have the same color as the mask itself. They should have been dark blue.
  • At about 14:35 Scott's swimming trunks change from green to blue to green again.
  • During the Safety Tip, Scott tells T-Bob he will get hurt if he dives into shallow water. Then Matt looks down from the jetty, says it looks like it's OK and it's about 9 feet, and they all dive in. As if that's a safe way to measure depth.

Behind the Scenes[]

  • A coloring book featuring images from this story, titled Highway to Danger was released by Golden Books.

Voice Cast[]


  • Recording date: September 19, 1985.

External links[]
