M.A.S.K. Wiki
Patchwork Puzzle
Mask puzzle01

Original Airdate:

December 11, 1985


53 of 65 in Season 1


53 of 75 overall

Previous Episode:

The Royal Cape Caper

Next Episode:

Fog on Boulder Hill


Washington, DC

V.E.N.O.M. steals a quilt and a fireplace screen from a Civil War exhibit in the Smithsonian Institute. By following V.E.N.O.M.’s gas fumes with Hurricane’s infrared sensors, M.A.S.K. discovers V.E.N.O.M.’s secret hideout. By holding the screen in front of the quilt, a message in Morse code is revealed, telling of a stash of $3 million hidden by the Washington Monument. V.E.N.O.M. gets to the monument first, but the loot turns out to be worthless Confederate money.

Plot Synopsis[]

Synopsis is forthcoming.

Safety Tip[]

Matt Trakker reminds Scott how to use his scout pen knife safely while carving.

M.A.S.K. agents[]

M.A.S.K. vehicles[]

V.E.N.O.M. agents[]

V.E.N.O.M. vehicles[]



"Gosh, T-Bob. The Wright brothers' airplane. Even George Washington's false teeth. Just think of all the old things they keep here."

"Y-yeah, sorta like the stuff in the refrigerator in your room."

- Scott Trakker and T-Bob

"Hondo! What's up, big guy? The two musketeers pulling stunts again?"

- Matt Trakker

"A good sport? I don't know if I can be good sport. But my uncle was a good sports car."

- T-Bob

"Sewing? That's for sissies, isn't it?"

- Scott Trakker

"Hey Gorey, are your brains leaking outta your mouth or is that just your tongue?"

"Sticks and stones will break my bones!"

"Ha! You don't have any bones, you little jellyfish!"

- Sly Rax and Nash Gorey

"You think I'm an idiot like those other two?"

"Of course not. You're much more of a unique idiot."

- Floyd Malloy and Miles Mayhem


"Two sides to a coin means two ways to join."

Behind the Scenes[]

Voice Cast[]



  • When Mayhem and Rax return to the Smithsonian, Rax says Gorey's theft happened yesterday, even though story-wise it still appears to be the same day.
  • Mayhem is suddenly not wearing his gloves when he pushes the Foucault Pendulum.
  • Arriving at V.E.N.O.M.'s hideout, Rhino is missing its headlights as it approaches camera, then they suddenly appear just before it comes to a halt.
  • As all the scouts are laughing after they trip up Rax, the audio is noticeably repeated and looped.

External links[]
