M.A.S.K. Wiki
Quest of the Canyon
Mask canyon01

Original Airdate:

December 4, 1985


48 of 65 in Season 1


48 of 75 overall

Previous Episode:

The Lost Fleet

Next Episode:

Follow the Rainbow


Carlsbad Caverns, New Mexico

V.E.N.O.M. is after a hidden treasure stolen by Jesse James in 1878 that has never been recovered.

Plot Synopsis[]

Synopsis is forthcoming.

Safety Tip[]

Matt warns Scott that reading without proper lighting is bad for his eyes.

M.A.S.K. agents[]

M.A.S.K. vehicles[]

V.E.N.O.M. agents[]

V.E.N.O.M. vehicles[]



"Oh boy! Then this has got to belong to Jesse James. It's one of those ten gallon hats. How do I look?"

"You've got another five gallons to go."

- Scott Trakker and T-Bob

"Ten million bucks of bullion? That's a lot of chicken soup!"

- T-Bob

"Sorry, but it could be dangerous and I don't want you getting hurt."

"What a drag! We'll miss out on everything."

"R-right! We've already missed two gameshows on TV!"

- Matt Trakker, Scott Trakker and T-Bob

"O-oh my, and I get seasick walking through puddles!"

- T-Bob

"Good. I'd say no one's been in here for decades."

"But I don't see no gold."

"They wouldn't leave it out in the open, stupid."

"Hey, he must be in a good mood. He usually calls me 'idiot'."

- Miles Mayhem and Cliff Dagger

"Stop the river, I wanna get off!"

- T-Bob

"I'll never forget that ride as long I live!"

"At the rate you're going, that'll be fifteen minutes."

- Scott Trakker and T-Bob


"Journey of a thousand miles begins with a single fall."

Behind the Scenes[]

  • Sly Rax and Cliff Dagger get into an argument inside the cave. This is one of the few times in the series that a scene features two overlapping voices performed by the same voice actor (Mark Halloran).

Voice Cast[]


  • First appearance of Ace Riker and Slingshot.
  • Riker refers to his mask, Ricochet, by its original name, Boomerang.
  • The Park Ranger at Carlsbad Caverns mentions that Matt Trakker is a new member of the park's board of directors.


  • When Mayhem calls Dagger 'stupid' and Dagger replies that he usually calls him 'idiot', the same cave background is used in two subsequent shots.

External links[]
