M.A.S.K. Wiki
Sarah scared




Voiced by:

Sharon Noble


The Oz Effect (Episode 09)

Sarah is a minor character who appeared in the episode The Oz Effect.


Sarah reporting

Thanks to a generous grant by Matt Trakker, Sarah and Dr. Clay were able to study tribal culture in the Australian outback. Sarah was the first to arrive, in time for the harvest celebration held by the village inhabitants. She used a tape recorder to make an audio recording of thanks to the food gods during the celebrations of the harvest season.

Suddenly, a High Priest appeared out of the temple, warning the people that the wind god was angry and would destroy the entire village if they did not fall onto their knees. Soon, a hurricane arrived and not only destroyed the village, but took away all the villagers including Sarah.

Dr. Clay became very worried and contacted Matt Trakker, taking the recovered tape recording with him. He had learned that this was the third village that had been hit by a storm in the last few days. Trakker used the M.A.S.K. computer to identify the voice of the 'High Priest' as being that of V.E.N.O.M. agent Sly Rax and decided to call in a team of M.A.S.K. agents.

One of the agents, Buddy Hawks, disguised himself as an aboriginal and got swept up by the hurricane when the fourth village was hit. It was actually a man made machine that caused the hurricane and was big enough to carry a whole village of people. Hawks ended up being forced to work hard labor in an emerald mine for V.E.N.O.M. Sarah was excused from working, but was being kept on pilar surrounded by a pit filled with snakes.

She was eventually freed by Hawks who knew the rattlesnakes were fake because their kind can only be found in the Americas. He carried Sarah out of her emprisonment while M.A.S.K. fought off V.E.N.O.M. and destroyed the hurricane machine.

Behind the scenes[]

Sarah was voiced by Sharon Noble


The Oz Effect
