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Tour Guide
Tour Guide




Tour Guide

Voiced by:

Sharon Noble


The Magma Mole (Episode 11)

The Tour Guide was a minor character who appeared in the episode The Magma Mole.

Bruce Sato, Matt Trakker, his son Scott and his robot T-Bob were taking a tour of Tokyo after V.E.N.O.M. agents had been spotted in the area.

While standing on a bridge, T-Bob noticed a priest meditating under a cold waterfall. The tour guide explained that Japanese priests did this to train themselves. She also pointed out the ancient priest spent years meditating in tiny caves carved out of the wall in the past.

T-Bob then inquired about the wave like marks on the walls and the guide told him the marks were left over from the time when the entire area was covered by the ocean. When Scott asked if the water ever came back, she giggled and told him that the water had been gone for millions of years. At that moment she realized that Scott was staring at a giant approaching tidal wave.

Most of the other tourists began to panic and run to either side of the bridge to escape. The guide, fell to her knees in fear. But Matt Trakker told everyone to hold on to the rails. Despite of this, the bridge was completely swept away and all the people on it ended up in the water. The first one to get hit was the meditating priest, who ended up holding up to a tree for safety. The Tour Guide was last seen holding on to the same tree.

T-Bob vowed that he would never come to Japan again as he retrieved a squid from the top of his head. Soon after this, Bruce and Matt used special diving equipment to explore the geyser from which the water had sprung. They discovered a man-made hole in the ground caused the water to spring up. After completing their mission and defeating V.E.N.O.M., Trakker and Sato returned to the new salt water lake with Scott and T-Bob. Matt stated that the lake may become quite a tourist attraction.

Behind the Scenes[]
